School’s out for SUMMER! Let’s get your survival kit together!!

Here’s what this third-trimester pregnant momma of 6 (soon to be 7) uses to keep us all happy, healthy, and empowered to take on the sun, late nights, and outdoors!

Hangry,Whole30, & INTENTIONALITY

So it’s day 2 of semi-good days! It’s been 2 days of waking the kids up at 6:30 to be responsible for the TWO 3 month old puppies that joined our family of 8 over the weekend. It’s been 2 days of them cleaning up so the puppies don’t chew, sweeping and mopping floors twice a day because…… guess it…….PUPPY PEE! They have KEPT their room clean ALL day! That one deserves some #PRAISEHANDS! It’s been 2 night of sticking to a bedtime routine. I know, I know 2 nights and routine probably don’t belong together in most people’s’ world, but 2 nights of the same thing (for the most part) is rocking MY world.

I NEEDED these last few days. I needed a glimpse of something good! I am doing Whole30 and on day 11 today! I have been hangry and not myself. I have been groggy and foggy. I am totally sure getting up with the hubs at 2am to make him breakfast and having a teething-nursing baby, and new puppies to clean up after and take out constantly has SO MUCH to do with it as well! Oh AND it was my birthday Sunday and my whole family quit Whole 30 but I didn’t, because who wants to start off a new year with failure? And I just happened to be super stubborn and immovable in almost everything so I refused to join them in carb heaven! It sure smelled good though!

Any who, this Whole30 thing for me is a RESET! I needed one. Ever feel stuck and stagnant? Like you’re circling the mountain? Every morning you wake up and say to yourself “today will be different! It just HAS to be” but your patience is shorter than the day before and you find yourself once again struggling? For me it’s yelling. I HATE it. It is what I dislike the most about myself. Oh, how I pray to be soft-spoken!

BUT in TRUE JESSICA LEDERER-ness I plan to tackle a LOT, to do this BIG….so food, finances, family, house ALL it is all getting a revamp! If you’ve ever done Whole30 you may understand, THIS THINGS IS LIKE A STINKING ROLLER COASTER RIDE and I wasn’t seeing any fruit. I have been even more horrible. My fuse shorter. People, use to love them all and now—-don’t like em. My lack of carbs and sugar and coffee as I knew it has seriously diminished my PC filter—I’m a little judgy.  I am craving nasty fast food that I wouldn’t normally eat, like totally fixated! Sleepy all the time with burning eyes and that fogginess that just wouldn’t (won’t) lift! And seriously who knew I could look more bloated? I’ve had 6 kids!! I digress though….I needed these past few days to help me get over that hump and keep the end goal in mind.

SO what’s the end goal? INTENTIONALITY! Not a smaller size, or inches off. Not losing weight. It’s about being intentional about my life. This was a tangible way for me to take control and change something! It has an end date! 30 days. That’s all. It is manageable. I need some kind of a timeline to be successful! I have a group for accountability. I have had amazing people join me and I can’t quit while they are still going! (That may be my competitiveness) SO ANYONE WANNA DO THIS FOR YELLING! Seriously! Is there a yelling challenge!

As I said INTENTIONAL is my goal! I found I wasn’t doing many of these things and THESE are what has help the past couple days! I’m not sure self-sabotage is what happened, I just literally could not see or think through to the next step. SO here’s some of my what I’ve added more of! What a transformation.

  • OIL UP! Yup, oil up buttercup! I can fight cravings, get some serious emotional and hormone support, much-needed digestive support, and even help my kiddos out when things are getting rough! I LOVE my oils and supplements but hadn’t been utilizing them as I should, so yesterday I made roller bottles for #ALLTHETHINGS!photo (2)
  • WATER and NINGXIA SPRITZERS!!! My skin is looking amazing and it helps me think I’m not as hangry as I am! And I can flavor with vitality oils so it doesn’t get boring!ningxia sprintzer
  • BULLETPROOF COFFEE and FROZEN BANANAS! Helps with mental clarity and the cinnamon bark vitality oil I add helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels among other amazing benefits! Freeze ripened bananas, throw in food processor until creamy, then add almond butter! SOOO good!
  • PUPPIES! Yup potty training can irk me BUT there’s something super therapeutic about snuggling a pup while watching THIS IS US!
  • BIBLE STUDY! God’s Word brings up body frequency! It is uplifting and powerful! Spending time with Him means I am reflecting a little of who He is! We start to become like the 5 people we spend the most time with! I do my best to make sure Jesus is one of them!IMG_4581
  • QUIET! As you can imagine for this momma of 6 kids and momma of 2 pups, quiet time helps me to catch my breath, breathe out, and pray!
  • SWEATER WEATHER!!! It’s only happened today but wearing riding boots was GLORIOUS!
  • TIME SLOTS! I hate to be late so scheduling is difficult for me. I break up morning, afternoon, and evening and each one has a top 3 and then a couple more bonus things. This has helped me to feel more productive and not like I am failing life.FullSizeRender (5)
  • PHOTO FILTERS and BELLY LAUGHS with my babes!

SO all what helps you cope? What are your struggles? ANYONE WANNA DO SOME KIND OF YELLING CHALLENGE?? <——-YUP I was serious!

Keepin the “cray” away with hormone support

So let me start by first saying that I am NOT a medical professional, I don’t have a degree, I am NOT a replication of you so what works for me may not work for you, ALL the things affect ALL the things, and none of this is intended to treat, cure, or prevent ANYTHING. So I am in NO WAY an expert, I am not offering medical advice, I am offering my testimony and something to research for yourself! AND I am only speaking Young Living because that’s what I know! I trust them and I use them explicitly! I have been on one their farms, in their facilities, I’ve seen a lab, and planted lavender!

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s chat….

Do yo know what’s in your beauty products? Food? Personal care products? Environmentally around you? NO ONE can say yes to all! We make educated decisions and try to remove as much GARBAGE as we can but we will inevitable be exposed to toxins. Toxins have a negative effect on our bodies. They accumulate. They wreak havoc on EVERY body system. So we combat those negatives with intentional actions!

WHY is it so important? That’s how most of us begin life! OVER 200 TOXINS were found in the umbilical cord in a recent study! Go ahead GOOGLE, I’ll wait! And I know you downloaded the THINK DIRTY app from the last post, so go and put in the leading baby wash and wipes!

Add vaccines, food, environment, stress, medications and it’s paints a pretty scary picture. Ones like we see today in our population.

home toxins


OK OK! So why share ALL that? Well y’all this is my WHY! My why is educating myself, my children, and all the people! I want my children to know better and do better. I want to do better for them. I want to save them from some of the heartbreak I have seen others suffer. And one way I had do this is to remove as many toxins as possible.

So back to hormones…..I share everything above because they ALL play a part in disrupting our hormones AND THAT can have detrimental affects! That means I am going to do my darnedest to support and maintain healthy hormones! So let’s chat about the things we have and use daily to stay above the wellness line!


A must for me is PROGESSENCE PLUS! It was formulated by a doctor who specializes in women’s hormone issues. Many that he saw had very low or NO progesterone when he tested them. This causes a myriad of issues that run rampant today!

Another MUST is ENDOFLEX! This is support for your endocrine system! I apply on my thyroid and adrenal and on my wrist if i get that afternoon sweet tooth! So what’s your endocrine system? Think metabolism, sex drive, sleep, stress, mood, reproduction, growth and development and more! SUPER important!

DRAGON TIME! I wonder if when this oil was named if the man had to sleep on the couch. This is for that time of the month when the potential for turning ‘dragonish’ is at an all time high, well maybe guaranteed!

photo (1).jpegA few more female supporting oils are Lady Sclareol, Sclaressence, Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang, Fennel (google fennel and milk supply too), Geraminum, CortiStop*, EndoGize, Estro*, PD 80/20, PowerGize, Thyromin, Prenolone. (*DO not use when pregnant along with Rehemogen and Comfortone)


My favorite is MISTER! It was orginally made to support prostate health and male energy! Hubby uses on his pelvic line and outer ankle. It smells so good! This definitely gets used by me too! ***So women can be low in progesterone, high in estrogen, and low in testosterone…so this one can help support females who may find themselves with the latter! So if you are finding the female supports aren’t helping much, try this one!

SHUTRAN!! If this oil had a tagline it would be “HELLO ladies!” It is a favorite of so so so many that there is a whole personal care line! Beard oil, soap, body wash!!! I am hoping for a deodorant in the near future with this manly yumminess!

When you think IDAHO BLUE SPRUCE, think testosterone! Google it!


Other great products for male hormone support are Prostate Health, Copiaiba, EndoGize.

Questions? Well google young living and _______! WHY! WHY? WHY do you keep telling me to Google? Well I want to empower you with your own health! I want you vested in your own wellness! I do however want to help and point in you a general direction!

Want to start your own wellness jouney? We have an amazing community! Our main reason is to empower, educate, and love on everyone! So if you’re ready (no one is really ever ready) then click here or comment below and I will get in touch with you personally! You’ll even get some happy, oily mail with education and love!

Clean Cleanin

Y’all we are a family of EIGHT!!! That’s a lot of dishes, laundry, messes, food, emotions, messes, personalities, talking, messes, and CHAOS. So we do what we can to help keep things as WELL OILED as possible. It is near impossible for me to do it all myself so our children are required to help. After all they (more times than not) made the messes and they are a part of our family and many hands make for light work. And that still rings true even if it’s like pulling teeth, it just takes longer.

As I type in my bed doing my CBS (Community Bible Study) homework-another blog for another time-they are in the living room watching their afternoon tv of Phineas and Ferb and folding laundry! So lets start there! The biggest organ you have is your………yup, you guessed it your SKIN!! So what we put on it is super important and most of what we are using to clean our clothes is SUPER dirty according to the non-biased THINK DIRTY APP<— y’all are gonna wanna go download that RIGHT now and start scanning your products and also the HEALTHY LIVING APP! You’re welcome and I’m sorry! It’s empowering and scary and thought-provoking!

So what we use is Young Living’s Thieves Laundry soap! None of the ingredients rates as scary! Here’s a post you can read! This amazing woman did the Thieves line so I am not going to reinvent the wheel! Then we use organic wool dryer balls to soften clothes with whatever essential oil on it we are in the mood for!

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Also in the picture above to the left on top of the washer is my cleaning basket! Inside we have……

+Thieves Concentrated Cleaner-most amazing product ever! You can make around 30 bottles of cleaner depending on strength! With this one bottle you can clean wood, glass, stainless, counters, toilets, tubs, sinks, floors, carpets, headliners, dishes, clothes, high chairs, jumperoos…..yup #allthethings!highchairjumperoo

+Thieves Hand Purifer and Spray- ALWAYS have extra on hand and keep a supply in the car, purse, diaper bag, kids’ backpacks, ALL THE PLACES!

+Thieves automatic dishwashing powder This stuff is great! I love it! I don’t always get my glasses sparkly but I am ok with it! We eat and drink with the things in there! Keep those nasty powder and gel ingredients AWAY!

+I also use the Thieves Dish Soap! I was super apprehensive because…..DAWN! But this stuff gets baked on bacon grease off pans with ease and FEELS clean and smells great! And when my 4-year-old drinks it to see if he can blow bubbles, it’s not that big of a deal and it’s boosting his immune system :’0)

+Thieves Fruit and Veggie Wash and Spray- Y’all the amount of YUCK on your produce is nasty! Even organic NEEDS to be washed! Do you know what is on it? Do you know what it causes? Look up causes of mouth cancer and then wash your produce!

fruit and veggie

And since we now use clean cleaners I can have my kids do the chores I loathe that they think are FUN! Like scrubbing the bathtub! Now you can use your Thieves Dishwasher Powder to scrub, but I’ma be real-I can’t afford that! We run our dishwasher at LEAST 2 times a day (if not 3)! BUT we definitely can’t have comet or soft scrub anymore! That stuff would chase me out with it’s fumes! So here’s what I do, I make my OWN and call it poor man’s thieves scrub!


Lastly we diffuse us some Thieves to help clean the air and wash our hands with Thieves hand soap to support our immune system! Because more often than not we have those times when we haven’t clean when or as often as we probably should, because we’ve been busy out and about with all the germy people!bathroom

If ANY of this clean cleaning sounds like it’s for YOU then leave a comment and let’s chat! We have an amazing community people who empower and educate! AND Young Living has the perfect starter kit just for YOU! You’re gonna click the picture below and it will take you to get your very OWN THIEVES PSK! And on top of peace of mind, I’ll send you a fun Welcome Packet with resources and goodies!

yl psk thieves