Too much but not enough…

These past few months have been a whirlwind of emotions and life lessons. A dear friend of mine was given the opportunity to preview a book before it was release and I have loved reading her reviews and thoughts! One particular quote has been in my mind, on my heart, and touched my spirit. I think we can all relate. And here it is:


I have been going through a season of being told by many that I am, in a sense, “too much but not enough.” I have too many kids, too many responsibilities, my hand in too many things, too much going on, too much, too much, too much…. I am not enough of a mom, a Nursery Director, a CC participant, not enough time, not enough organization, not enough, not enough, not enough…

Praise God that those who have actually invested 5 minutes in me and my family have a different opinion. The most interesting common factor was that they were all Christian women. Women who, though we exchanged pleasantries in between church services, before and after our Community Day, the random occurrence at the grocery store or gas station, have never taken a moment to really get to know me. I will admit a mom with 5 children (8 years and younger) grocery shopping, carrying tutor supplies, or taking up the church hallway probably seems like a sight or circus to many.


Through this time I will admit that even though I knew that God appointed me to everything my hand was in, I began to think…What if they’re right. What if I am too busy? What if I am not being enough of a mom to my children? Am I following where God is calling? Am I enough? Am I too much?

During this time the Lord was so sweet to me. In March, we found out that we are expecting our sixth child (so hormones may have be a factor in my sensitivity). That was the first of many gifts the Lord would use to answer my doubts. To follow would be a sweet sign with the words, “if you think my hands are full you should see my heart.” I received thank-you notes in the mail for nothing more than kindness and encouragement. A sweet friend gifted me a pair of KEEP cross earrings for “wearing my faith”. And another sister in Christ gave me a bottle of Young Living’s Thieves with the kindest thank-you card! If you aren’t familiar with Young Living, this is their immunity blend or as I lovingly refer to it now, PROTECTION. I truly believe the the Lord showered me with His love and used His people to answer my doubts with His Truth.


The Lord revealed many things to me during this time, some hard truths and some sweet memories that are now cherished stakes in the ground. He showed me who some people really are and who some people could be. He showed me once again that He cares and will be there to comfort. So if the world is telling you that you are too much and not enough know that you can walk boldly in your calling! Jesus overcame the world so we wouldn’t have to. All He asks is for is a heart for Him,a willing spirit, and some time. If the world doesn’t understand, then that’s ok! I am not sure they are suppose to!
