Clean Cleanin

Y’all we are a family of EIGHT!!! That’s a lot of dishes, laundry, messes, food, emotions, messes, personalities, talking, messes, and CHAOS. So we do what we can to help keep things as WELL OILED as possible. It is near impossible for me to do it all myself so our children are required to help. After all they (more times than not) made the messes and they are a part of our family and many hands make for light work. And that still rings true even if it’s like pulling teeth, it just takes longer.

As I type in my bed doing my CBS (Community Bible Study) homework-another blog for another time-they are in the living room watching their afternoon tv of Phineas and Ferb and folding laundry! So lets start there! The biggest organ you have is your………yup, you guessed it your SKIN!! So what we put on it is super important and most of what we are using to clean our clothes is SUPER dirty according to the non-biased THINK DIRTY APP<— y’all are gonna wanna go download that RIGHT now and start scanning your products and also the HEALTHY LIVING APP! You’re welcome and I’m sorry! It’s empowering and scary and thought-provoking!

So what we use is Young Living’s Thieves Laundry soap! None of the ingredients rates as scary! Here’s a post you can read! This amazing woman did the Thieves line so I am not going to reinvent the wheel! Then we use organic wool dryer balls to soften clothes with whatever essential oil on it we are in the mood for!

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Also in the picture above to the left on top of the washer is my cleaning basket! Inside we have……

+Thieves Concentrated Cleaner-most amazing product ever! You can make around 30 bottles of cleaner depending on strength! With this one bottle you can clean wood, glass, stainless, counters, toilets, tubs, sinks, floors, carpets, headliners, dishes, clothes, high chairs, jumperoos…..yup #allthethings!highchairjumperoo

+Thieves Hand Purifer and Spray- ALWAYS have extra on hand and keep a supply in the car, purse, diaper bag, kids’ backpacks, ALL THE PLACES!

+Thieves automatic dishwashing powder This stuff is great! I love it! I don’t always get my glasses sparkly but I am ok with it! We eat and drink with the things in there! Keep those nasty powder and gel ingredients AWAY!

+I also use the Thieves Dish Soap! I was super apprehensive because…..DAWN! But this stuff gets baked on bacon grease off pans with ease and FEELS clean and smells great! And when my 4-year-old drinks it to see if he can blow bubbles, it’s not that big of a deal and it’s boosting his immune system :’0)

+Thieves Fruit and Veggie Wash and Spray- Y’all the amount of YUCK on your produce is nasty! Even organic NEEDS to be washed! Do you know what is on it? Do you know what it causes? Look up causes of mouth cancer and then wash your produce!

fruit and veggie

And since we now use clean cleaners I can have my kids do the chores I loathe that they think are FUN! Like scrubbing the bathtub! Now you can use your Thieves Dishwasher Powder to scrub, but I’ma be real-I can’t afford that! We run our dishwasher at LEAST 2 times a day (if not 3)! BUT we definitely can’t have comet or soft scrub anymore! That stuff would chase me out with it’s fumes! So here’s what I do, I make my OWN and call it poor man’s thieves scrub!


Lastly we diffuse us some Thieves to help clean the air and wash our hands with Thieves hand soap to support our immune system! Because more often than not we have those times when we haven’t clean when or as often as we probably should, because we’ve been busy out and about with all the germy people!bathroom

If ANY of this clean cleaning sounds like it’s for YOU then leave a comment and let’s chat! We have an amazing community people who empower and educate! AND Young Living has the perfect starter kit just for YOU! You’re gonna click the picture below and it will take you to get your very OWN THIEVES PSK! And on top of peace of mind, I’ll send you a fun Welcome Packet with resources and goodies!

yl psk thieves

Author: jessicalederer

I was saved by Grace in my mid 20's while pregnant with my 3rd child. I have found favor in His sights and have had more than I ever could have imagined in my wildest dreams added to me. I am completely content in this season of life but live with an expectancy of seeing the LORD move mightily in it! I live for my Savior, husband, and children and was finally able to find myself in the midst of it all!

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